LGBTQIA+ is an acronym used for labelling both non-heterosexual orientations and preferences and other identities than cisgender. 1 2
Amnesty International. LGBTQI Glossary, 2015,↩
Čechová, Helena, and Lada Hajdíková. Duhová Příručka pro Vyučující. PROUD: Platforma pro Rovnoprávnost, Uznání a Diverzitu z.s., 2016.↩
L = lesbian sexual orientation = women attracted to other people who identify as women
G = gay = men attracted to other people who identify as men
B = bisexual = a bisexual person is attracted to people who identify as women as well as to people who identify as men — regardless of their own gender identity
T = transgender = people whose gender has been ascribed to them based on their appearance at their birth, but they do not identify with it (see the box about transgender)
Q = queer = this word can have several meanings that depend on its context:
I = intersex = people whose combination of chromosomes, sexual characteristics, hormones, and so forth do not unambiguously match man/woman category. Based on a medical assessment, some intersex people involuntarily underwent surgical transformation of their appearance after their birth to fit these categories. The fact that a person falls into the intersex category does not predict their sexuality or gender identity in any way.
A = asexual = this term describes people who do not experience sexual attraction or desire. However, this does not mean that asexual individuals do not want to have a relationship, do not feel love or do not live with a partner. Similarly, it is untrue that these people do not satisfy their sexual needs (e.g. by masturbation) or that they are “frigid” (i.e. lacking the physical experience of arousal). Same as with all people — relationships, feelings, and needs of asexual people are very individual.
+ = the plus sign in the acronym that denotes other categories of gender identity, sexual orientation, and else that are not possible to include in the acronym. Sometimes, it is possible to come across a shorter acronym, LGBT+, or a longer one, LGBTQIAP+ which includes e.g. asexual orientation and more. For instance, it covers pansexual orientation, which means attraction not connected with gender. A pansexual can fall in love with anyone, regardless of their gender.