Gender Quiz


This technique is a playful transfer of knowledge and adaptable for various group sizes and ages. Usually, quiz situations and riddles are fun and well-received. Therefore, depending on the aim of the quiz, one can either convey basic knowledge about a topic such as gender, women’s rights or, if a group already has some knowledge, allow for a more nuanced quiz. The facilitator can create through his/her/their choice of questions a tailored quiz.

The technique is described in various handbooks and has been further adapted for the topic of multiple gender identities and relationships.1

  1. Verein amazone (2013): gender & Schule Quiz. In: Mach es gleich! Eine Lehr- und Lernmappe für Theorie und Praxis zum Thema Gender und Schule für die Arbeit mit Schülerinnen und Schülern ab 12 Jahren, p. 98–111 und Verein poika: Genderquiz. In: My identity. Methodenhandbuch, Wien: 2019, p. 55–58, adaptiert im Rahmen des Projekts WITH YOU*TH.

Practical instructions

Group size

This technique is ideal for larger groups from 10 to 25 people. If there are fewer participants, they can work in pairs. It is not advised to work alone since the lack of knowledge might be embarrassing for participants if they are singled out by this. This is especially true for a school setting. 



You can find examples of quizzes with a focus on gender and equality here:

Girls’ rights platform:

Preventing Violence against women from the WHO website:

Famous Women's Firsts Quiz:

From the USA – website of the National Women's History Alliance:

On Violence against women:

A different type of gender quiz can be found on the website of the European Institut for Gender Equality:

Please be aware that you have to design your own quiz in English language since the German version is very focussed on Austrian politics.

“I have played the gender quiz with a lot of different groups, and it has always been a ‘hit’. Not only it is a good way to convey otherwise ‘boring’ though important information about legal facts around same-sex marriage and women’s rights, but it also gives the group a good opportunity to work together and show their knowledge. It is important to include at least one very difficult question to answer, where the guessing fun stands in the foreground.“

Trainer*, poika


Participants are divided into small groups consisting of 3 to 6 persons. Each group receives a set of answer cards A, B, C, D.

The quiz starts: the question and the possible answers will be read out by the instructing person. If one does not have a digital version, the questions and answers must be printed out and given to each group in an envelope which they are only allowed to open when instructed to.

All groups are given the same amount of time for the answers, usually between 1 and 3 minutes. This will be timed. When time is up, each group shows the answer card they opted for. The facilitator first reads the wrong answers and then gives the correct one. For each correct answer, the group receives one point, and the group with the highest score wins. However, fun is the more important part.

Discussion and End

Each question and answer is followed by a short explanation, depending on the groups’ need for discussion and exchange.

The technique is very flexible, depending on the amount of questions chosen and the additional discussion and/or information that follow the quiz. It is suitable to use it during a longer workshop when energy is low and the group may need a fun activity to recharge their batteries.
