How to date (online) safely

Theoretical framework

In the Quiz entitled “How to date (online) safely” we open the topic of initiating relationships via the Internet.

The young people spend a significant part of their daytime online. Thanks to social networks, they are in contact with their peers all the time as well as with people that share common interests. The number of people who search for life partners via social networks have increased. For nonheterosexual young people, the online space can be a safer space for dating. Because of this, social networks are becoming a popular option for initiating various types of relationships.

As the use of internet and social networks is more widespread, the amount of risks naturally increases. As a part of our activity, we decided to concentrate on how to initiate relationships and communicate with strangers online safely while respecting ourselves and the other person. Online communication is not separable from real life.

One has to remember this all the time that consequences of social network communication have real impact on ourselves and others. We didn’t want to teach manners to young people. We also didn’t want to emphasise dangerous aspects of the internet and social networks. This is why we have decided to make this entertaining quiz. As a peaceful option, the information on risks and dangers of online dating will be passed on as well as the information on how to date with respect for ourselves and partners.

Social networks won’t disappear from lives of the young. The solution is not to avoid their use, but how to do it informed and safely. Our goal is to show ordinary situations that the young using social networks may encounter and how to face their possible pitfalls.

We don’t want the young people to discourage from online dating. Quite the opposite. We want to help, so that dating is not only successful but safe. It is useful to learn something about the process of online dating. For more information, please visit:


Facilitator Team NESEHNUTÍ

Practical guidelines

Activity structure and instructions

Projecting questions of the ordinary presentation is one of the options how to carry out the quizzes. During testing we used online applications that we filled with questions and answers. Different applications suit for different type of quiz. The application where participants can vote with their smart devices in real time is useful for this one.  

Option 1Voting application

Project quiz on the screen and study it together in group. Participants vote using their smart devices. Comment questions according to instructions. In application, you can see how many participants answered properly. At the end, you can announce the winners.

Option 2 – ordinary presentation

Project quiz on the screen and study it together in group. Comment questions according to instructions. Participants vote by raising their hands. Comment each question according to instructions. 

Option 3 – printed quiz

Print the quiz and let the group to fill it. Then study each question and right answers together in group and comment on it according to instructions. At the end, you can ask participants how many right answers they have.

If you decide to use an interactive application, try it before with your smart device or testing personnel. This way, you will prevent your presentation will reveal the answers to questions. Trust us because we saw it ourselves.

Before you use an interactive online app, check the internet connection and that all participants have smart devices. If some of them don’t, make pairs of participants.

Wrapping up and reflection

At the end of the activity, ask the participants, whether they learned something new.

Provide space for additional questions of the participants.
