This exercise is suitable as an opening activity, with participants moving around the room. It was adapted from the WIDE toolkit “Economic literacy across Europe”.1
The exercise enables the participants to choose one statement that fits them best at the moment. It is also possible that the selection reflects a solid conviction. Due to the positioning, the participants share what they know and what they are interested in. Because of this, it can start a conversation and discussion about the topic.
wide: Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk für Frauenwerke und feministische Perspektiven: Frauen und Wirtschaft:↩
The exercise is suitable for bigger groups: 9 people and more.
The trainer prepares 4 to 6 spots, with one statement each. At first, they are covered (with paper), so the participants can’t read them.
The statements can look like this, for example:
I am interested in economics because I want to be informed.
I am interested in economics because I want to earn a lot of money.
I am interested in economics because it is an important topic for everybody.
I am interested in economics because it is women’s business.
I am interested in economics because it is men’s business.
I am interested in economics because later I will be the breadwinner in my family.
I am interested in economics because our society is ruled by it.
The statements can also refer to concrete activities:
I read the economics part in the newspaper.
I sometimes read the economics part in the newspaper.
I hardly ever read the economics part in the newspaper.
I never read the economics part in the newspaper.
Another variation can include concrete economic independences and relationships:
For me, it is important that women can be independent in relationships.
I don’t care if I earn less than my (male) partner.
I think money doesn’t matter when people love each other.
Being independent is not dependent on money.
I believe if somebody loves somebody, they also share their money.
Another variation can include alternative forms of economy.
I think capitalism should be abolished.
A different form of economy is possible and should be supported. The current form of economy is only profitable for very few people.
A basic income for everybody would be great.
Participants are in the room, and the exercise will be explained:
“You will find some statements in different places of the room. Please read every statement carefully and choose one that fits you the most right now. When you find one statement that fits you, please stay near it. When everybody has chosen, we will talk about your decisions.”
The participants should have enough time to read every statement. When everybody has chosen, the discussion starts.
The discussion could start with the following questions. You should also consider the group dynamics.
Why did you choose this statement?
Was it easy to decide? Why? Why not?
How does it feel to stand at one statement alone?
How does it feel to stand with a lot of people at one statement?
What more would be interesting to you regarding that topic?