Recognize Discrimination and Find Alternative Ways of Thinking


In the first step, this technique should encourage thinking about gender inequality with the help of visual materials and representations. The background of this method is that in established cartoons, people that differ from typical gender roles are often made fun of. On the other hand, comics and cartoons provide a great possibility to point out grievances in a humoristic way. They can disarm with their humour factor and therefore support a discussion without negating discrimination and hurt. This method has been inspired by a training given by the NGO EfEU in Vienna.

The second step is that the participants should work on strategies to counteract inequality. With the help of a timeline, these strategies can be presented graphically. Because of this, we can work on behaviour and changing strategies that come from an analysis of the current situation.

This technique is meant as an in-depth activity because of the presupposed knowledge regarding the topics of gender, sexism, and dependence in relationships.


Group size

This method is suitable for bigger groups between 12 and 24 people.




The room will be prepared. The printed and laminated pictures, illustrations, and cartoons will be put up at different spots in the room (also possible: put up on walls). Depending on the group size, there should be 5 to 10 cartoons. The participants will walk through the room and look at every picture. After this, every person picks one picture that is the most appealing to them. The participants will stand next to their chosen pictures. When everybody has chosen, the people with the same picture will talk about their decision. The focus is on the representation of sexism, discrimination, and constricting gender roles.

Change is possible

After this, the participants will work out 3 to 5 strategies on how to reach equality regarding distribution of money, capital, recognition, unpaid work, and time resources. All these topics will be put in a timeline in 3 different columns:


Afterwards the posters will be presented and discussed:

For an overview of theory of change see: what-is-theory-of-change1

  1. Center for Theory of Change: What is Theory of Change: https://www.theoryofchange.org/what-is-theory-of-change/
