Which Card Fits?


This technique is based on the exercise “Match the cards“1: and serves as a good opening activity into the topic. Due to its low threshold, it allows the participants to start a conversation and the workshop facilitator to get a first impression of the groups’ knowledge and thematic interests regarding the topics of economy, (in)dependencies, and gender. The technique was adapted to include these topics and consists of two variations with different sets of words, which are suited to different group needs depending on the language skills of a particular group.

  1. In: International HIV/AIDS Alliance: 110 ways to energize groups: Games to use in workshops, meetings and the community. Brighton 2002, p. 5.

Practical instructions

Group size

This technique is suitable for a group of 10 and more people.




The workshop leader chooses the notes, depending on the number of participants and the focus of the group. 

Variant 1: Each pair of notes consist of two parts of one word; these two notes make one word. The notes will be distributed among the participants. Each participant will pull one note. After having received a note, everyone is asked to look for the missing part of his/her/their note. Example: one note shows the word “labour”, and the other note shows the word “market”.

Variant 2: Each participant will receive a note which pairs with another note, and the pair consists of two identical words such as “labour”.

Each person receives a note and must find the person with the matching note. Once everyone has found their pair, they discuss the word on the note. 

Possible guiding questions are:

Note: If the group consists of an odd number, either one person draws two notes, or the workshop leader takes part in the exercise.


Each pair can present their discussion points to the large group.

Afterwards, there will be a discussion in the large group about the conversation between the partners. Possible questions can be:
