Dyads Concerning Feelings and Needs in My River

Practical Information

Group Size

The activity can be carried out in groups of various sizes. However, it is always good to consider to what extent the participants will be willing to present and share the output of their work in a larger group and what time will be needed for the final discussion in such case. All participants should be given the same amount of time for their presentations. With larger groups, others’ presentations may inspire one’s thoughts about their River of Life, and therefore it is necessary to allow enough time for a discussion — there is a chance that participants add new thoughts to it.



Structure and Instructions

The aim of the second part of the work with the River of Life is to understand own feelings and needs that are connected with a particular situation. This way, participants are motivated to look at a specific situation through their feelings and needs. There are Feelings and Needs cards to help them with this. Participants have familiarized themselves with the cards during the opening activities. Following on from the understanding of one’s emotions and needs, the aim is also to strengthen young people’s skills in communicating emotions and needs using Dyads.

“Now, we return to our Rivers to choose one specific situation with which we will work further. Try to pick a situation that you would not mind talking about with another person during Dyads. You will try to identify your specific emotions and needs.”

Facilitator Team, NESEHNUTÍ

Hand out sets of Feelings and Needs cards to participants. Ask them to think about their River again for 10 minutes and pick one situation they would want to work with further and which they would not mind sharing with another person.

As soon as participants are ready, have them to form pairs.


Invite participants for a joint discussion in a circle.
